width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->rowSize = ($width + 31) >> 5; $this->bits = new SplFixedArray($this->rowSize * $height); } /** * Gets the requested bit, where true means black. * * @param integer $x * @param integer $y * @return boolean */ public function get($x, $y) { $offset = $y * $this->rowSize + ($x >> 5); return (BitUtils::unsignedRightShift($this->bits[$offset], ($x & 0x1f)) & 1) !== 0; } /** * Sets the given bit to true. * * @param integer $x * @param integer $y * @return void */ public function set($x, $y) { $offset = $y * $this->rowSize + ($x >> 5); $this->bits[$offset] = $this->bits[$offset] | (1 << ($x & 0x1f)); } /** * Flips the given bit. * * @param integer $x * @param integer $y * @return void */ public function flip($x, $y) { $offset = $y * $this->rowSize + ($x >> 5); $this->bits[$offset] = $this->bits[$offset] ^ (1 << ($x & 0x1f)); } /** * Clears all bits (set to false). * * @return void */ public function clear() { $max = count($this->bits); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $this->bits[$i] = 0; } } /** * Sets a square region of the bit matrix to true. * * @param integer $left * @param integer $top * @param integer $width * @param integer $height * @return void */ public function setRegion($left, $top, $width, $height) { if ($top < 0 || $left < 0) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Left and top must be non-negative'); } if ($height < 1 || $width < 1) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Width and height must be at least 1'); } $right = $left + $width; $bottom = $top + $height; if ($bottom > $this->height || $right > $this->width) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('The region must fit inside the matrix'); } for ($y = $top; $y < $bottom; $y++) { $offset = $y * $this->rowSize; for ($x = $left; $x < $right; $x++) { $index = $offset + ($x >> 5); $this->bits[$index] = $this->bits[$index] | (1 << ($x & 0x1f)); } } } /** * A fast method to retrieve one row of data from the matrix as a BitArray. * * @param integer $y * @param BitArray $row * @return BitArray */ public function getRow($y, BitArray $row = null) { if ($row === null || $row->getSize() < $this->width) { $row = new BitArray($this->width); } $offset = $y * $this->rowSize; for ($x = 0; $x < $this->rowSize; $x++) { $row->setBulk($x << 5, $this->bits[$offset + $x]); } return $row; } /** * Sets a row of data from a BitArray. * * @param integer $y * @param BitArray $row * @return void */ public function setRow($y, BitArray $row) { $bits = $row->getBitArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->rowSize; $i++) { $this->bits[$y * $this->rowSize + $i] = $bits[$i]; } } /** * This is useful in detecting the enclosing rectangle of a 'pure' barcode. * * @return SplFixedArray */ public function getEnclosingRectangle() { $left = $this->width; $top = $this->height; $right = -1; $bottom = -1; for ($y = 0; $y < $this->height; $y++) { for ($x32 = 0; $x32 < $this->rowSize; $x32++) { $bits = $this->bits[$y * $this->rowSize + $x32]; if ($bits !== 0) { if ($y < $top) { $top = $y; } if ($y > $bottom) { $bottom = $y; } if ($x32 * 32 < $left) { $bit = 0; while (($bits << (31 - $bit)) === 0) { $bit++; } if (($x32 * 32 + $bit) < $left) { $left = $x32 * 32 + $bit; } } } if ($x32 * 32 + 31 > $right) { $bit = 31; while (BitUtils::unsignedRightShift($bits, $bit) === 0) { $bit--; } if (($x32 * 32 + $bit) > $right) { $right = $x32 * 32 + $bit; } } } } $width = $right - $left; $height = $bottom - $top; if ($width < 0 || $height < 0) { return null; } return SplFixedArray::fromArray(array($left, $top, $width, $height), false); } /** * Gets the most top left set bit. * * This is useful in detecting a corner of a 'pure' barcode. * * @return SplFixedArray */ public function getTopLeftOnBit() { $bitsOffset = 0; while ($bitsOffset < count($this->bits) && $this->bits[$bitsOffset] === 0) { $bitsOffset++; } if ($bitsOffset === count($this->bits)) { return null; } $x = intval($bitsOffset / $this->rowSize); $y = ($bitsOffset % $this->rowSize) << 5; $bits = $this->bits[$bitsOffset]; $bit = 0; while (($bits << (31 - $bit)) === 0) { $bit++; } $x += $bit; return SplFixedArray::fromArray(array($x, $y), false); } /** * Gets the most bottom right set bit. * * This is useful in detecting a corner of a 'pure' barcode. * * @return SplFixedArray */ public function getBottomRightOnBit() { $bitsOffset = count($this->bits) - 1; while ($bitsOffset >= 0 && $this->bits[$bitsOffset] === 0) { $bitsOffset--; } if ($bitsOffset < 0) { return null; } $x = intval($bitsOffset / $this->rowSize); $y = ($bitsOffset % $this->rowSize) << 5; $bits = $this->bits[$bitsOffset]; $bit = 0; while (BitUtils::unsignedRightShift($bits, $bit) === 0) { $bit--; } $x += $bit; return SplFixedArray::fromArray(array($x, $y), false); } /** * Gets the width of the matrix, * * @return integer */ public function getWidth() { return $this->width; } /** * Gets the height of the matrix. * * @return integer */ public function getHeight() { return $this->height; } }