<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Holds class Message * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize; use PhpMyAdmin\Util; /** * a single message * * simple usage examples: * <code> * // display simple error message 'Error' * Message::error()->display(); * * // get simple success message 'Success' * $message = Message::success(); * * // get special notice * $message = Message::notice(__('This is a localized notice')); * </code> * * more advanced usage example: * <code> * // create another message, a hint, with a localized string which expects * $hint = Message::notice('Read the %smanual%s'); * // replace placeholders with the following params * $hint->addParam('[doc@cfg_Example]'); * $hint->addParam('[/doc]'); * // add this hint as a tooltip * $hint = showHint($hint); * * // add the retrieved tooltip reference to the original message * $message->addMessage($hint); * </code> * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ class Message { const SUCCESS = 1; // 0001 const NOTICE = 2; // 0010 const ERROR = 8; // 1000 const SANITIZE_NONE = 0; // 0000 0000 const SANITIZE_STRING = 16; // 0001 0000 const SANITIZE_PARAMS = 32; // 0010 0000 const SANITIZE_BOOTH = 48; // 0011 0000 /** * message levels * * @var array */ static public $level = array ( Message::SUCCESS => 'success', Message::NOTICE => 'notice', Message::ERROR => 'error', ); /** * The message number * * @access protected * @var integer */ protected $number = Message::NOTICE; /** * The locale string identifier * * @access protected * @var string */ protected $string = ''; /** * The formatted message * * @access protected * @var string */ protected $message = ''; /** * Whether the message was already displayed * * @access protected * @var boolean */ protected $isDisplayed = false; /** * Whether to use BB code when displaying. * * @access protected * @var boolean */ protected $useBBCode = true; /** * Unique id * * @access protected * @var string */ protected $hash = null; /** * holds parameters * * @access protected * @var array */ protected $params = array(); /** * holds additional messages * * @access protected * @var array */ protected $addedMessages = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param string $string The message to be displayed * @param integer $number A numeric representation of the type of message * @param array $params An array of parameters to use in the message * @param integer $sanitize A flag to indicate what to sanitize, see * constant definitions above */ public function __construct($string = '', $number = Message::NOTICE, array $params = array(), $sanitize = Message::SANITIZE_NONE ) { $this->setString($string, $sanitize & Message::SANITIZE_STRING); $this->setNumber($number); $this->setParams($params, $sanitize & Message::SANITIZE_PARAMS); } /** * magic method: return string representation for this object * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->getMessage(); } /** * get Message of type success * * shorthand for getting a simple success message * * @param string $string A localized string * e.g. __('Your SQL query has been * executed successfully') * * @return Message * @static */ static public function success($string = '') { if (empty($string)) { $string = __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.'); } return new Message($string, Message::SUCCESS); } /** * get Message of type error * * shorthand for getting a simple error message * * @param string $string A localized string e.g. __('Error') * * @return Message * @static */ static public function error($string = '') { if (empty($string)) { $string = __('Error'); } return new Message($string, Message::ERROR); } /** * get Message of type notice * * shorthand for getting a simple notice message * * @param string $string A localized string * e.g. __('The additional features for working with * linked tables have been deactivated. To find out * why click %shere%s.') * * @return Message * @static */ static public function notice($string) { return new Message($string, Message::NOTICE); } /** * get Message with customized content * * shorthand for getting a customized message * * @param string $message A localized string * @param integer $type A numeric representation of the type of message * * @return Message * @static */ static public function raw($message, $type = Message::NOTICE) { $r = new Message('', $type); $r->setMessage($message); $r->setBBCode(false); return $r; } /** * get Message for number of affected rows * * shorthand for getting a customized message * * @param integer $rows Number of rows * * @return Message * @static */ static public function getMessageForAffectedRows($rows) { $message = Message::success( _ngettext('%1$d row affected.', '%1$d rows affected.', $rows) ); $message->addParam($rows); return $message; } /** * get Message for number of deleted rows * * shorthand for getting a customized message * * @param integer $rows Number of rows * * @return Message * @static */ static public function getMessageForDeletedRows($rows) { $message = Message::success( _ngettext('%1$d row deleted.', '%1$d rows deleted.', $rows) ); $message->addParam($rows); return $message; } /** * get Message for number of inserted rows * * shorthand for getting a customized message * * @param integer $rows Number of rows * * @return Message * @static */ static public function getMessageForInsertedRows($rows) { $message = Message::success( _ngettext('%1$d row inserted.', '%1$d rows inserted.', $rows) ); $message->addParam($rows); return $message; } /** * get Message of type error with custom content * * shorthand for getting a customized error message * * @param string $message A localized string * * @return Message * @static */ static public function rawError($message) { return Message::raw($message, Message::ERROR); } /** * get Message of type notice with custom content * * shorthand for getting a customized notice message * * @param string $message A localized string * * @return Message * @static */ static public function rawNotice($message) { return Message::raw($message, Message::NOTICE); } /** * get Message of type success with custom content * * shorthand for getting a customized success message * * @param string $message A localized string * * @return Message * @static */ static public function rawSuccess($message) { return Message::raw($message, Message::SUCCESS); } /** * returns whether this message is a success message or not * and optionally makes this message a success message * * @param boolean $set Whether to make this message of SUCCESS type * * @return boolean whether this is a success message or not */ public function isSuccess($set = false) { if ($set) { $this->setNumber(Message::SUCCESS); } return $this->getNumber() === Message::SUCCESS; } /** * returns whether this message is a notice message or not * and optionally makes this message a notice message * * @param boolean $set Whether to make this message of NOTICE type * * @return boolean whether this is a notice message or not */ public function isNotice($set = false) { if ($set) { $this->setNumber(Message::NOTICE); } return $this->getNumber() === Message::NOTICE; } /** * returns whether this message is an error message or not * and optionally makes this message an error message * * @param boolean $set Whether to make this message of ERROR type * * @return boolean Whether this is an error message or not */ public function isError($set = false) { if ($set) { $this->setNumber(Message::ERROR); } return $this->getNumber() === Message::ERROR; } /** * Set whether we should use BB Code when rendering. * * @param boolean $useBBCode Use BB Code? * * @return void */ public function setBBCode($useBBCode) { $this->useBBCode = $useBBCode; } /** * set raw message (overrides string) * * @param string $message A localized string * @param boolean $sanitize Whether to sanitize $message or not * * @return void */ public function setMessage($message, $sanitize = false) { if ($sanitize) { $message = Message::sanitize($message); } $this->message = $message; } /** * set string (does not take effect if raw message is set) * * @param string $string string to set * @param boolean $sanitize whether to sanitize $string or not * * @return void */ public function setString($string, $sanitize = true) { if ($sanitize) { $string = Message::sanitize($string); } $this->string = $string; } /** * set message type number * * @param integer $number message type number to set * * @return void */ public function setNumber($number) { $this->number = $number; } /** * add string or Message parameter * * usage * <code> * $message->addParam('[em]some string[/em]'); * </code> * * @param mixed $param parameter to add * * @return void */ public function addParam($param) { if ($param instanceof Message || is_float($param) || is_int($param)) { $this->params[] = $param; } else { $this->params[] = htmlspecialchars($param); } } /** * add parameter as raw HTML, usually in conjunction with strings * * usage * <code> * $message->addParamHtml('<img src="img" />'); * </code> * * @param string $param parameter to add * * @return void */ public function addParamHtml($param) { $this->params[] = Message::notice($param); } /** * add a bunch of messages at once * * @param Message[] $messages to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ public function addMessages($messages, $separator = ' ') { foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->addMessage($message, $separator); } } /** * add a bunch of messages at once * * @param string[] $messages to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ public function addMessagesString($messages, $separator = ' ') { foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->addText($message, $separator); } } /** * Real implementation of adding message * * @param mixed $message to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ private function _addMessage($message, $separator) { if (!empty($separator)) { $this->addedMessages[] = $separator; } $this->addedMessages[] = $message; } /** * add another raw message to be concatenated on displaying * * @param Message $message to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ public function addMessage($message, $separator = ' ') { if (!($message instanceof Message)) { trigger_error('Invalid parameter passed to addMessage'); } $this->_addMessage($message, $separator); } /** * add another raw message to be concatenated on displaying * * @param string $message to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ public function addText($message, $separator = ' ') { if (!is_string($message)) { trigger_error('Invalid parameter passed to addMessage'); } $this->_addMessage(Message::notice(htmlspecialchars($message)), $separator); } /** * add another html message to be concatenated on displaying * * @param string $message to be added * @param string $separator to use between this and previous string/message * * @return void */ public function addHtml($message, $separator = ' ') { if (!is_string($message)) { trigger_error('Invalid parameter passed to addMessage'); } $this->_addMessage(Message::rawNotice($message), $separator); } /** * set all params at once, usually used in conjunction with string * * @param array|string $params parameters to set * @param boolean $sanitize whether to sanitize params * * @return void */ public function setParams($params, $sanitize = false) { if ($sanitize) { $params = Message::sanitize($params); } $this->params = $params; } /** * return all parameters * * @return array */ public function getParams() { return $this->params; } /** * return all added messages * * @return array */ public function getAddedMessages() { return $this->addedMessages; } /** * Sanitizes $message * * @param mixed $message the message(s) * * @return mixed the sanitized message(s) * @access public * @static */ static public function sanitize($message) { if (is_array($message)) { foreach ($message as $key => $val) { $message[$key] = Message::sanitize($val); } return $message; } return htmlspecialchars($message); } /** * decode $message, taking into account our special codes * for formatting * * @param string $message the message * * @return string the decoded message * @access public * @static */ static public function decodeBB($message) { return Sanitize::sanitize($message, false, true); } /** * wrapper for sprintf() * * @return string formatted */ static public function format() { $params = func_get_args(); if (isset($params[1]) && is_array($params[1])) { array_unshift($params[1], $params[0]); $params = $params[1]; } return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $params); } /** * returns unique Message::$hash, if not exists it will be created * * @return string Message::$hash */ public function getHash() { if (null === $this->hash) { $this->hash = md5( $this->getNumber() . $this->string . $this->message ); } return $this->hash; } /** * returns compiled message * * @return string complete message */ public function getMessage() { $message = $this->message; if (strlen($message) === 0) { $string = $this->getString(); if (strlen($string) === 0) { $message = ''; } else { $message = $string; } } if ($this->isDisplayed()) { $message = $this->getMessageWithIcon($message); } if (count($this->getParams()) > 0) { $message = Message::format($message, $this->getParams()); } if ($this->useBBCode) { $message = Message::decodeBB($message); } foreach ($this->getAddedMessages() as $add_message) { $message .= $add_message; } return $message; } /** * Returns only message string without image & other HTML. * * @return string */ public function getOnlyMessage() { return $this->message; } /** * returns Message::$string * * @return string Message::$string */ public function getString() { return $this->string; } /** * returns Message::$number * * @return integer Message::$number */ public function getNumber() { return $this->number; } /** * returns level of message * * @return string level of message */ public function getLevel() { return Message::$level[$this->getNumber()]; } /** * Displays the message in HTML * * @return void */ public function display() { echo $this->getDisplay(); $this->isDisplayed(true); } /** * returns HTML code for displaying this message * * @return string whole message box */ public function getDisplay() { $this->isDisplayed(true); return '<div class="' . $this->getLevel() . '">' . $this->getMessage() . '</div>'; } /** * sets and returns whether the message was displayed or not * * @param boolean $isDisplayed whether to set displayed flag * * @return boolean Message::$isDisplayed */ public function isDisplayed($isDisplayed = false) { if ($isDisplayed) { $this->isDisplayed = true; } return $this->isDisplayed; } /** * Returns the message with corresponding image icon * * @param string $message the message(s) * * @return string message with icon */ public function getMessageWithIcon($message) { if ('error' == $this->getLevel()) { $image = 's_error'; } elseif ('success' == $this->getLevel()) { $image = 's_success'; } else { $image = 's_notice'; } $message = Message::notice(Util::getImage($image)) . " " . $message; return $message; } }