_db_is_system_schema = $db_is_system_schema; $this->_url_query = Url::getCommonRaw(array('db' => $db, 'table' => $table)); $this->_tbl_is_view = $tbl_is_view; $this->_tbl_storage_engine = $tbl_storage_engine; $this->_table_info_num_rows = $table_info_num_rows; $this->_tbl_collation = $tbl_collation; $this->_showtable = $showtable; $this->table_obj = $this->dbi->getTable($this->db, $this->table); $this->createAddField = new CreateAddField($dbi); $this->relation = new Relation(); } /** * Index action * * @return void */ public function indexAction() { PageSettings::showGroup('TableStructure'); /** * Function implementations for this script */ include_once 'libraries/check_user_privileges.inc.php'; $this->response->getHeader()->getScripts()->addFiles( array( 'tbl_structure.js', 'indexes.js' ) ); /** * Handle column moving */ if (isset($_POST['move_columns']) && is_array($_POST['move_columns']) && $this->response->isAjax() ) { $this->moveColumns(); return; } /** * handle MySQL reserved words columns check */ if (isset($_POST['reserved_word_check'])) { if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ReservedWordDisableWarning'] === false) { $columns_names = $_POST['field_name']; $reserved_keywords_names = array(); foreach ($columns_names as $column) { if (Context::isKeyword(trim($column), true)) { $reserved_keywords_names[] = trim($column); } } if (Context::isKeyword(trim($this->table), true)) { $reserved_keywords_names[] = trim($this->table); } if (count($reserved_keywords_names) == 0) { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); } $this->response->addJSON( 'message', sprintf( _ngettext( 'The name \'%s\' is a MySQL reserved keyword.', 'The names \'%s\' are MySQL reserved keywords.', count($reserved_keywords_names) ), implode(',', $reserved_keywords_names) ) ); } else { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); } return; } /** * A click on Change has been made for one column */ if (isset($_GET['change_column'])) { $this->displayHtmlForColumnChange(null, 'tbl_structure.php'); return; } /** * Adding or editing partitioning of the table */ if (isset($_POST['edit_partitioning']) && ! isset($_POST['save_partitioning']) ) { $this->displayHtmlForPartitionChange(); return; } /** * handle multiple field commands if required * * submit_mult_*_x comes from IE if is used */ $submit_mult = $this->getMultipleFieldCommandType(); if (! empty($submit_mult)) { if (isset($_POST['selected_fld'])) { if ($submit_mult == 'browse') { // browsing the table displaying only selected columns $this->displayTableBrowseForSelectedColumns( $GLOBALS['goto'], $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] ); } else { // handle multiple field commands // handle confirmation of deleting multiple columns $action = 'tbl_structure.php'; $GLOBALS['selected'] = $_POST['selected_fld']; list( $what_ret, $query_type_ret, $is_unset_submit_mult, $mult_btn_ret, $centralColsError ) = $this->getDataForSubmitMult( $submit_mult, $_POST['selected_fld'], $action ); //update the existing variables // todo: refactor mult_submits.inc.php such as // below globals are not needed anymore if (isset($what_ret)) { $GLOBALS['what'] = $what_ret; global $what; } if (isset($query_type_ret)) { $GLOBALS['query_type'] = $query_type_ret; global $query_type; } if ($is_unset_submit_mult) { unset($submit_mult); } if (isset($mult_btn_ret)) { $GLOBALS['mult_btn'] = $mult_btn_ret; global $mult_btn; } include 'libraries/mult_submits.inc.php'; /** * if $submit_mult == 'change', execution will have stopped * at this point */ if (empty($message)) { $message = Message::success(); } $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage($message, $sql_query) ); } } else { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON('message', __('No column selected.')); } } // display secondary level tabs if necessary $engine = $this->table_obj->getStorageEngine(); $this->response->addHTML( Template::get('table/secondary_tabs')->render( array( 'url_params' => array( 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table ), 'is_foreign_key_supported' => Util::isForeignKeySupported($engine), 'cfg_relation' => $this->relation->getRelationsParam(), ) ) ); $this->response->addHTML('
'); /** * Modifications have been submitted -> updates the table */ if (isset($_POST['do_save_data'])) { $regenerate = $this->updateColumns(); if ($regenerate) { // This happens when updating failed // @todo: do something appropriate } else { // continue to show the table's structure unset($_POST['selected']); } } /** * Modifications to the partitioning have been submitted -> updates the table */ if (isset($_POST['save_partitioning'])) { $this->updatePartitioning(); } /** * Adding indexes */ if (isset($_POST['add_key']) || isset($_POST['partition_maintenance']) ) { //todo: set some variables for sql.php include, to be eliminated //after refactoring sql.php $db = $this->db; $table = $this->table; $sql_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query']; $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg']; $pmaThemeImage = $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage']; include 'sql.php'; $GLOBALS['reload'] = true; } /** * Gets the relation settings */ $cfgRelation = $this->relation->getRelationsParam(); /** * Runs common work */ // set db, table references, for require_once that follows // got to be eliminated in long run $db = &$this->db; $table = &$this->table; $url_params = array(); include_once 'libraries/tbl_common.inc.php'; $this->_db_is_system_schema = $db_is_system_schema; $this->_url_query = Url::getCommonRaw(array( 'db' => $db, 'table' => $table, 'goto' => 'tbl_structure.php', 'back' => 'tbl_structure.php', )); /* The url_params array is initialized in above include */ $url_params['goto'] = 'tbl_structure.php'; $url_params['back'] = 'tbl_structure.php'; // 2. Gets table keys and retains them // @todo should be: $server->db($db)->table($table)->primary() $primary = Index::getPrimary($this->table, $this->db); $columns_with_index = $this->dbi ->getTable($this->db, $this->table) ->getColumnsWithIndex( Index::UNIQUE | Index::INDEX | Index::SPATIAL | Index::FULLTEXT ); $columns_with_unique_index = $this->dbi ->getTable($this->db, $this->table) ->getColumnsWithIndex(Index::UNIQUE); // 3. Get fields $fields = (array)$this->dbi->getColumns( $this->db, $this->table, null, true ); foreach ($fields as $key => $row) { if ('text' === substr($row['Type'], -4)) { $fields[$key]['Default'] = stripcslashes(substr($row['Default'], 1, -1)); } } //display table structure $this->response->addHTML( $this->displayStructure( $cfgRelation, $columns_with_unique_index, $url_params, $primary, $fields, $columns_with_index ) ); $this->response->addHTML('
'); } /** * Moves columns in the table's structure based on $_REQUEST * * @return void */ protected function moveColumns() { $this->dbi->selectDb($this->db); /* * load the definitions for all columns */ $columns = $this->dbi->getColumnsFull($this->db, $this->table); $column_names = array_keys($columns); $changes = array(); // @see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/changes-improvements-in-mariadb-102/#information-schema $usesLiteralNull = $this->dbi->isMariaDB() && $this->dbi->getVersion() >= 100200; $defaultNullValue = $usesLiteralNull ? 'NULL' : null; // move columns from first to last for ($i = 0, $l = count($_POST['move_columns']); $i < $l; $i++) { $column = $_POST['move_columns'][$i]; // is this column already correctly placed? if ($column_names[$i] == $column) { continue; } // it is not, let's move it to index $i $data = $columns[$column]; $extracted_columnspec = Util::extractColumnSpec($data['Type']); if (isset($data['Extra']) && $data['Extra'] == 'on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ) { $extracted_columnspec['attribute'] = $data['Extra']; unset($data['Extra']); } $current_timestamp = ($data['Type'] == 'timestamp' || $data['Type'] == 'datetime' || $data['DATA_TYPE'] == 'int') && ($data['Default'] == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' || $data['Default'] == 'current_timestamp()'); // @see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/information-schema-columns-table/#examples if ($data['Null'] === 'YES' && in_array($data['Default'], [$defaultNullValue, null])) { $default_type = 'NULL'; } elseif ($current_timestamp) { $default_type = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; } elseif ($data['Default'] === null) { $default_type = 'NONE'; } else { $default_type = 'USER_DEFINED'; } $virtual = array( 'VIRTUAL', 'PERSISTENT', 'VIRTUAL GENERATED', 'STORED GENERATED' ); $data['Virtuality'] = ''; $data['Expression'] = ''; if (isset($data['Extra']) && in_array($data['Extra'], $virtual)) { $data['Virtuality'] = str_replace(' GENERATED', '', $data['Extra']); $expressions = $this->table_obj->getColumnGenerationExpression($column); $data['Expression'] = $expressions[$column]; } $changes[] = 'CHANGE ' . Table::generateAlter( $column, $column, mb_strtoupper($extracted_columnspec['type']), $extracted_columnspec['spec_in_brackets'], $extracted_columnspec['attribute'], isset($data['Collation']) ? $data['Collation'] : '', $data['Null'] === 'YES' ? 'YES' : 'NO', $default_type, $current_timestamp ? '' : $data['Default'], isset($data['Extra']) && $data['Extra'] !== '' ? $data['Extra'] : false, isset($data['COLUMN_COMMENT']) && $data['COLUMN_COMMENT'] !== '' ? $data['COLUMN_COMMENT'] : false, $data['Virtuality'], $data['Expression'], $i === 0 ? '-first' : $column_names[$i - 1] ); // update current column_names array, first delete old position for ($j = 0, $ll = count($column_names); $j < $ll; $j++) { if ($column_names[$j] == $column) { unset($column_names[$j]); } } // insert moved column array_splice($column_names, $i, 0, $column); } if (empty($changes)) { // should never happen $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); return; } // move columns $this->dbi->tryQuery( sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s %s', Util::backquote($this->table), implode(', ', $changes) ) ); $tmp_error = $this->dbi->getError(); if ($tmp_error) { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON('message', Message::error($tmp_error)); } else { $message = Message::success( __('The columns have been moved successfully.') ); $this->response->addJSON('message', $message); $this->response->addJSON('columns', $column_names); } } /** * Displays HTML for changing one or more columns * * @param array $selected the selected columns * @param string $action target script to call * * @return boolean $regenerate true if error occurred * */ protected function displayHtmlForColumnChange($selected, $action) { // $selected comes from mult_submits.inc.php if (empty($selected)) { $selected[] = $_REQUEST['field']; $selected_cnt = 1; } else { // from a multiple submit $selected_cnt = count($selected); } /** * @todo optimize in case of multiple fields to modify */ $fields_meta = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $selected_cnt; $i++) { $value = $this->dbi->getColumns( $this->db, $this->table, $this->dbi->escapeString($selected[$i]), true ); if (count($value) == 0) { $message = Message::error( __('Failed to get description of column %s!') ); $message->addParam($selected[$i]); $this->response->addHTML($message); } else { $fields_meta[] = $value; } } $num_fields = count($fields_meta); // set these globals because tbl_columns_definition_form.inc.php // verifies them // @todo: refactor tbl_columns_definition_form.inc.php so that it uses // protected function params $GLOBALS['action'] = $action; $GLOBALS['num_fields'] = $num_fields; /** * Form for changing properties. */ include_once 'libraries/check_user_privileges.inc.php'; include 'libraries/tbl_columns_definition_form.inc.php'; } /** * Displays HTML for partition change * * @return string HTML for partition change */ protected function displayHtmlForPartitionChange() { $partitionDetails = null; if (! isset($_POST['partition_by'])) { $partitionDetails = $this->_extractPartitionDetails(); } include 'libraries/tbl_partition_definition.inc.php'; $this->response->addHTML( Template::get('table/structure/partition_definition_form') ->render( array( 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table, 'partition_details' => $partitionDetails, ) ) ); } /** * Extracts partition details from CREATE TABLE statement * * @return array[] array of partition details */ private function _extractPartitionDetails() { $createTable = (new Table($this->table, $this->db))->showCreate(); if (! $createTable) { return null; } $parser = new Parser($createTable); /** * @var $stmt PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements\CreateStatement */ $stmt = $parser->statements[0]; $partitionDetails = array(); $partitionDetails['partition_by'] = ''; $partitionDetails['partition_expr'] = ''; $partitionDetails['partition_count'] = ''; if (! empty($stmt->partitionBy)) { $openPos = strpos($stmt->partitionBy, "("); $closePos = strrpos($stmt->partitionBy, ")"); $partitionDetails['partition_by'] = trim(substr($stmt->partitionBy, 0, $openPos)); $partitionDetails['partition_expr'] = trim(substr($stmt->partitionBy, $openPos + 1, $closePos - ($openPos + 1))); if (isset($stmt->partitionsNum)) { $count = $stmt->partitionsNum; } else { $count = count($stmt->partitions); } $partitionDetails['partition_count'] = $count; } $partitionDetails['subpartition_by'] = ''; $partitionDetails['subpartition_expr'] = ''; $partitionDetails['subpartition_count'] = ''; if (! empty($stmt->subpartitionBy)) { $openPos = strpos($stmt->subpartitionBy, "("); $closePos = strrpos($stmt->subpartitionBy, ")"); $partitionDetails['subpartition_by'] = trim(substr($stmt->subpartitionBy, 0, $openPos)); $partitionDetails['subpartition_expr'] = trim(substr($stmt->subpartitionBy, $openPos + 1, $closePos - ($openPos + 1))); if (isset($stmt->subpartitionsNum)) { $count = $stmt->subpartitionsNum; } else { $count = count($stmt->partitions[0]->subpartitions); } $partitionDetails['subpartition_count'] = $count; } // Only LIST and RANGE type parameters allow subpartitioning $partitionDetails['can_have_subpartitions'] = $partitionDetails['partition_count'] > 1 && ($partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'RANGE' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'RANGE COLUMNS' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'LIST' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'LIST COLUMNS'); // Values are specified only for LIST and RANGE type partitions $partitionDetails['value_enabled'] = isset($partitionDetails['partition_by']) && ($partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'RANGE' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'RANGE COLUMNS' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'LIST' || $partitionDetails['partition_by'] == 'LIST COLUMNS'); $partitionDetails['partitions'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < intval($partitionDetails['partition_count']); $i++) { if (! isset($stmt->partitions[$i])) { $partitionDetails['partitions'][$i] = array( 'name' => 'p' . $i, 'value_type' => '', 'value' => '', 'engine' => '', 'comment' => '', 'data_directory' => '', 'index_directory' => '', 'max_rows' => '', 'min_rows' => '', 'tablespace' => '', 'node_group' => '', ); } else { $p = $stmt->partitions[$i]; $type = $p->type; $expr = trim($p->expr, '()'); if ($expr == 'MAXVALUE') { $type .= ' MAXVALUE'; $expr = ''; } $partitionDetails['partitions'][$i] = array( 'name' => $p->name, 'value_type' => $type, 'value' => $expr, 'engine' => $p->options->has('ENGINE', true), 'comment' => trim($p->options->has('COMMENT', true), "'"), 'data_directory' => trim($p->options->has('DATA DIRECTORY', true), "'"), 'index_directory' => trim($p->options->has('INDEX_DIRECTORY', true), "'"), 'max_rows' => $p->options->has('MAX_ROWS', true), 'min_rows' => $p->options->has('MIN_ROWS', true), 'tablespace' => $p->options->has('TABLESPACE', true), 'node_group' => $p->options->has('NODEGROUP', true), ); } $partition =& $partitionDetails['partitions'][$i]; $partition['prefix'] = 'partitions[' . $i . ']'; if ($partitionDetails['subpartition_count'] > 1) { $partition['subpartition_count'] = $partitionDetails['subpartition_count']; $partition['subpartitions'] = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < intval($partitionDetails['subpartition_count']); $j++) { if (! isset($stmt->partitions[$i]->subpartitions[$j])) { $partition['subpartitions'][$j] = array( 'name' => $partition['name'] . '_s' . $j, 'engine' => '', 'comment' => '', 'data_directory' => '', 'index_directory' => '', 'max_rows' => '', 'min_rows' => '', 'tablespace' => '', 'node_group' => '', ); } else { $sp = $stmt->partitions[$i]->subpartitions[$j]; $partition['subpartitions'][$j] = array( 'name' => $sp->name, 'engine' => $sp->options->has('ENGINE', true), 'comment' => trim($sp->options->has('COMMENT', true), "'"), 'data_directory' => trim($sp->options->has('DATA DIRECTORY', true), "'"), 'index_directory' => trim($sp->options->has('INDEX_DIRECTORY', true), "'"), 'max_rows' => $sp->options->has('MAX_ROWS', true), 'min_rows' => $sp->options->has('MIN_ROWS', true), 'tablespace' => $sp->options->has('TABLESPACE', true), 'node_group' => $sp->options->has('NODEGROUP', true), ); } $subpartition =& $partition['subpartitions'][$j]; $subpartition['prefix'] = 'partitions[' . $i . ']' . '[subpartitions][' . $j . ']'; } } } return $partitionDetails; } /** * Update the table's partitioning based on $_REQUEST * * @return void */ protected function updatePartitioning() { $sql_query = "ALTER TABLE " . Util::backquote($this->table) . " " . $this->createAddField->getPartitionsDefinition(); // Execute alter query $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery($sql_query); if ($result !== false) { $message = Message::success( __('Table %1$s has been altered successfully.') ); $message->addParam($this->table); $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage($message, $sql_query, 'success') ); } else { $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON( 'message', Message::rawError( __('Query error') . ':
' . $this->dbi->getError() ) ); } } /** * Function to get the type of command for multiple field handling * * @return string */ protected function getMultipleFieldCommandType() { $types = array( 'change', 'drop', 'primary', 'index', 'unique', 'spatial', 'fulltext', 'browse' ); foreach ($types as $type) { if (isset($_POST['submit_mult_' . $type . '_x'])) { return $type; } } if (isset($_POST['submit_mult'])) { return $_POST['submit_mult']; } elseif (isset($_POST['mult_btn']) && $_POST['mult_btn'] == __('Yes') ) { if (isset($_POST['selected'])) { $_POST['selected_fld'] = $_POST['selected']; } return 'row_delete'; } return null; } /** * Function to display table browse for selected columns * * @param string $goto goto page url * @param string $pmaThemeImage URI of the pma theme image * * @return void */ protected function displayTableBrowseForSelectedColumns($goto, $pmaThemeImage) { $GLOBALS['active_page'] = 'sql.php'; $fields = array(); foreach ($_POST['selected_fld'] as $sval) { $fields[] = Util::backquote($sval); } $sql_query = sprintf( 'SELECT %s FROM %s.%s', implode(', ', $fields), Util::backquote($this->db), Util::backquote($this->table) ); // Parse and analyze the query $db = &$this->db; list( $analyzed_sql_results, $db, ) = ParseAnalyze::sqlQuery($sql_query, $db); // @todo: possibly refactor extract($analyzed_sql_results); $sql = new Sql(); $this->response->addHTML( $sql->executeQueryAndGetQueryResponse( isset($analyzed_sql_results) ? $analyzed_sql_results : '', false, // is_gotofile $this->db, // db $this->table, // table null, // find_real_end null, // sql_query_for_bookmark null, // extra_data null, // message_to_show null, // message null, // sql_data $goto, // goto $pmaThemeImage, // pmaThemeImage null, // disp_query null, // disp_message null, // query_type $sql_query, // sql_query null, // selectedTables null // complete_query ) ); } /** * Update the table's structure based on $_REQUEST * * @return boolean $regenerate true if error occurred * */ protected function updateColumns() { $err_url = 'tbl_structure.php' . Url::getCommon( array( 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table ) ); $regenerate = false; $field_cnt = count($_POST['field_name']); $changes = array(); $adjust_privileges = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_cnt; $i++) { if (!$this->columnNeedsAlterTable($i)) { continue; } $changes[] = 'CHANGE ' . Table::generateAlter( Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_orig.${i}", ''), $_POST['field_name'][$i], $_POST['field_type'][$i], $_POST['field_length'][$i], $_POST['field_attribute'][$i], Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_collation.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_null.${i}", 'NO'), $_POST['field_default_type'][$i], $_POST['field_default_value'][$i], Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_extra.${i}", false), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_comments.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_virtuality.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_expression.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_move_to.${i}", '') ); // find the remembered sort expression $sorted_col = $this->table_obj->getUiProp( Table::PROP_SORTED_COLUMN ); // if the old column name is part of the remembered sort expression if (mb_strpos( $sorted_col, Util::backquote($_POST['field_orig'][$i]) ) !== false) { // delete the whole remembered sort expression $this->table_obj->removeUiProp(Table::PROP_SORTED_COLUMN); } if (isset($_POST['field_adjust_privileges'][$i]) && ! empty($_POST['field_adjust_privileges'][$i]) && $_POST['field_orig'][$i] != $_POST['field_name'][$i] ) { $adjust_privileges[$_POST['field_orig'][$i]] = $_POST['field_name'][$i]; } } // end for if (count($changes) > 0 || isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { // Builds the primary keys statements and updates the table $key_query = ''; /** * this is a little bit more complex * * @todo if someone selects A_I when altering a column we need to check: * - no other column with A_I * - the column has an index, if not create one * */ // To allow replication, we first select the db to use // and then run queries on this db. if (!$this->dbi->selectDb($this->db)) { Util::mysqlDie( $this->dbi->getError(), 'USE ' . Util::backquote($this->db) . ';', false, $err_url ); } $sql_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($this->table) . ' '; $sql_query .= implode(', ', $changes) . $key_query; $sql_query .= ';'; // If there is a request for SQL previewing. if (isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { Core::previewSQL(count($changes) > 0 ? $sql_query : ''); } $columns_with_index = $this->dbi ->getTable($this->db, $this->table) ->getColumnsWithIndex( Index::PRIMARY | Index::UNIQUE | Index::INDEX | Index::SPATIAL | Index::FULLTEXT ); $changedToBlob = array(); // While changing the Column Collation // First change to BLOB for ($i = 0; $i < $field_cnt; $i++ ) { if (isset($_POST['field_collation'][$i]) && isset($_POST['field_collation_orig'][$i]) && $_POST['field_collation'][$i] !== $_POST['field_collation_orig'][$i] && ! in_array($_POST['field_orig'][$i], $columns_with_index) ) { $secondary_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote( $this->table ) . ' CHANGE ' . Util::backquote( $_POST['field_orig'][$i] ) . ' ' . Util::backquote($_POST['field_orig'][$i]) . ' BLOB'; if (isset($_POST['field_virtuality'][$i]) && isset($_POST['field_expression'][$i])) { if ($_POST['field_virtuality'][$i]) { $secondary_query .= ' AS (' . $_POST['field_expression'][$i] . ') ' . $_POST['field_virtuality'][$i]; } } $secondary_query .= ';'; $this->dbi->query($secondary_query); $changedToBlob[$i] = true; } else { $changedToBlob[$i] = false; } } // Then make the requested changes $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery($sql_query); if ($result !== false) { $changed_privileges = $this->adjustColumnPrivileges( $adjust_privileges ); if ($changed_privileges) { $message = Message::success( __( 'Table %1$s has been altered successfully. Privileges ' . 'have been adjusted.' ) ); } else { $message = Message::success( __('Table %1$s has been altered successfully.') ); } $message->addParam($this->table); $this->response->addHTML( Util::getMessage($message, $sql_query, 'success') ); } else { // An error happened while inserting/updating a table definition // Save the Original Error $orig_error = $this->dbi->getError(); $changes_revert = array(); // Change back to Original Collation and data type for ($i = 0; $i < $field_cnt; $i++) { if ($changedToBlob[$i]) { $changes_revert[] = 'CHANGE ' . Table::generateAlter( Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_orig.${i}", ''), $_POST['field_name'][$i], $_POST['field_type_orig'][$i], $_POST['field_length_orig'][$i], $_POST['field_attribute_orig'][$i], Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_collation_orig.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_null_orig.${i}", 'NO'), $_POST['field_default_type_orig'][$i], $_POST['field_default_value_orig'][$i], Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_extra_orig.${i}", false), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_comments_orig.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_virtuality_orig.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_expression_orig.${i}", ''), Util::getValueByKey($_POST, "field_move_to_orig.${i}", '') ); } } $revert_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($this->table) . ' '; $revert_query .= implode(', ', $changes_revert) . ''; $revert_query .= ';'; // Column reverted back to original $this->dbi->query($revert_query); $this->response->setRequestStatus(false); $this->response->addJSON( 'message', Message::rawError( __('Query error') . ':
' . $orig_error ) ); $regenerate = true; } } // update field names in relation if (isset($_POST['field_orig']) && is_array($_POST['field_orig'])) { foreach ($_POST['field_orig'] as $fieldindex => $fieldcontent) { if ($_POST['field_name'][$fieldindex] != $fieldcontent) { $this->relation->renameField( $this->db, $this->table, $fieldcontent, $_POST['field_name'][$fieldindex] ); } } } // update mime types if (isset($_POST['field_mimetype']) && is_array($_POST['field_mimetype']) && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME'] ) { foreach ($_POST['field_mimetype'] as $fieldindex => $mimetype) { if (isset($_POST['field_name'][$fieldindex]) && strlen($_POST['field_name'][$fieldindex]) > 0 ) { Transformations::setMIME( $this->db, $this->table, $_POST['field_name'][$fieldindex], $mimetype, $_POST['field_transformation'][$fieldindex], $_POST['field_transformation_options'][$fieldindex], $_POST['field_input_transformation'][$fieldindex], $_POST['field_input_transformation_options'][$fieldindex] ); } } } return $regenerate; } /** * Adjusts the Privileges for all the columns whose names have changed * * @param array $adjust_privileges assoc array of old col names mapped to new * cols * * @return boolean $changed boolean whether at least one column privileges * adjusted */ protected function adjustColumnPrivileges(array $adjust_privileges) { $changed = false; if (Util::getValueByKey($GLOBALS, 'col_priv', false) && Util::getValueByKey($GLOBALS, 'is_reload_priv', false) ) { $this->dbi->selectDb('mysql'); // For Column specific privileges foreach ($adjust_privileges as $oldCol => $newCol) { $this->dbi->query( sprintf( 'UPDATE %s SET Column_name = "%s" WHERE Db = "%s" AND Table_name = "%s" AND Column_name = "%s";', Util::backquote('columns_priv'), $newCol, $this->db, $this->table, $oldCol ) ); // i.e. if atleast one column privileges adjusted $changed = true; } if ($changed) { // Finally FLUSH the new privileges $this->dbi->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"); } } return $changed; } /** * Verifies if some elements of a column have changed * * @param integer $i column index in the request * * @return boolean $alterTableNeeded true if we need to generate ALTER TABLE * */ protected function columnNeedsAlterTable($i) { // these two fields are checkboxes so might not be part of the // request; therefore we define them to avoid notices below if (! isset($_POST['field_null'][$i])) { $_POST['field_null'][$i] = 'NO'; } if (! isset($_POST['field_extra'][$i])) { $_POST['field_extra'][$i] = ''; } // field_name does not follow the convention (corresponds to field_orig) if ($_POST['field_name'][$i] != $_POST['field_orig'][$i]) { return true; } $fields = array( 'field_attribute', 'field_collation', 'field_comments', 'field_default_value', 'field_default_type', 'field_extra', 'field_length', 'field_null', 'field_type' ); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($_POST[$field][$i] != $_POST[$field . '_orig'][$i]) { return true; } } return !empty($_POST['field_move_to'][$i]); } /** * Displays the table structure ('show table' works correct since 3.23.03) * * @param array $cfgRelation current relation parameters * @param array $columns_with_unique_index Columns with unique index * @param mixed $url_params Contains an associative * array with url params * @param Index|false $primary_index primary index or false if * no one exists * @param array $fields Fields * @param array $columns_with_index Columns with index * * @return string */ protected function displayStructure( array $cfgRelation, array $columns_with_unique_index, $url_params, $primary_index, array $fields, array $columns_with_index ) { // prepare comments $comments_map = array(); $mime_map = array(); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowPropertyComments']) { $comments_map = $this->relation->getComments($this->db, $this->table); if ($cfgRelation['mimework'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) { $mime_map = Transformations::getMIME($this->db, $this->table, true); } } $centralColumns = new CentralColumns($GLOBALS['dbi']); $central_list = $centralColumns->getFromTable( $this->db, $this->table ); $columns_list = array(); $titles = array( 'Change' => Util::getIcon('b_edit', __('Change')), 'Drop' => Util::getIcon('b_drop', __('Drop')), 'NoDrop' => Util::getIcon('b_drop', __('Drop')), 'Primary' => Util::getIcon('b_primary', __('Primary')), 'Index' => Util::getIcon('b_index', __('Index')), 'Unique' => Util::getIcon('b_unique', __('Unique')), 'Spatial' => Util::getIcon('b_spatial', __('Spatial')), 'IdxFulltext' => Util::getIcon('b_ftext', __('Fulltext')), 'NoPrimary' => Util::getIcon('bd_primary', __('Primary')), 'NoIndex' => Util::getIcon('bd_index', __('Index')), 'NoUnique' => Util::getIcon('bd_unique', __('Unique')), 'NoSpatial' => Util::getIcon('bd_spatial', __('Spatial')), 'NoIdxFulltext' => Util::getIcon('bd_ftext', __('Fulltext')), 'DistinctValues' => Util::getIcon('b_browse', __('Distinct values')), ); $edit_view_url = ''; if ($this->_tbl_is_view && ! $this->_db_is_system_schema) { $edit_view_url = Url::getCommon( array('db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table) ); } /** * Displays Space usage and row statistics */ // BEGIN - Calc Table Space // Get valid statistics whatever is the table type if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowStats']) { //get table stats in HTML format $tablestats = $this->getTableStats(); //returning the response in JSON format to be used by Ajax $this->response->addJSON('tableStat', $tablestats); } // END - Calc Table Space $hideStructureActions = false; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['HideStructureActions'] === true) { $hideStructureActions = true; } return Template::get('table/structure/display_structure')->render( array( 'hide_structure_actions' => $hideStructureActions, 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table, 'db_is_system_schema' => $this->_db_is_system_schema, 'tbl_is_view' => $this->_tbl_is_view, 'mime_map' => $mime_map, 'url_query' => $this->_url_query, 'titles' => $titles, 'tbl_storage_engine' => $this->_tbl_storage_engine, 'primary' => $primary_index, 'columns_with_unique_index' => $columns_with_unique_index, 'edit_view_url' => $edit_view_url, 'columns_list' => $columns_list, 'table_stats' => isset($tablestats) ? $tablestats : null, 'fields' => $fields, 'columns_with_index' => $columns_with_index, 'central_list' => $central_list, 'comments_map' => $comments_map, 'browse_mime' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME'], 'show_column_comments' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowColumnComments'], 'show_stats' => $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowStats'], 'relation_commwork' => $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork'], 'relation_mimework' => $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['mimework'], 'central_columns_work' => $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['centralcolumnswork'], 'mysql_int_version' => $GLOBALS['dbi']->getVersion(), 'is_mariadb' => $GLOBALS['dbi']->isMariaDB(), 'pma_theme_image' => $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'], 'text_dir' => $GLOBALS['text_dir'], 'is_active' => Tracker::isActive(), 'have_partitioning' => Partition::havePartitioning(), 'partition_names' => Partition::getPartitionNames($this->db, $this->table), ) ); } /** * Get HTML snippet for display table statistics * * @return string $html_output */ protected function getTableStats() { if (empty($this->_showtable)) { $this->_showtable = $this->dbi->getTable( $this->db, $this->table )->getStatusInfo(null, true); } if (empty($this->_showtable['Data_length'])) { $this->_showtable['Data_length'] = 0; } if (empty($this->_showtable['Index_length'])) { $this->_showtable['Index_length'] = 0; } $is_innodb = (isset($this->_showtable['Type']) && $this->_showtable['Type'] == 'InnoDB'); $mergetable = $this->table_obj->isMerge(); // this is to display for example 261.2 MiB instead of 268k KiB $max_digits = 3; $decimals = 1; list($data_size, $data_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Data_length'], $max_digits, $decimals ); if ($mergetable == false) { list($index_size, $index_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Index_length'], $max_digits, $decimals ); } // InnoDB returns a huge value in Data_free, do not use it if (! $is_innodb && isset($this->_showtable['Data_free']) && $this->_showtable['Data_free'] > 0 ) { list($free_size, $free_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Data_free'], $max_digits, $decimals ); list($effect_size, $effect_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Data_length'] + $this->_showtable['Index_length'] - $this->_showtable['Data_free'], $max_digits, $decimals ); } else { list($effect_size, $effect_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Data_length'] + $this->_showtable['Index_length'], $max_digits, $decimals ); } list($tot_size, $tot_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( $this->_showtable['Data_length'] + $this->_showtable['Index_length'], $max_digits, $decimals ); if ($this->_table_info_num_rows > 0) { list($avg_size, $avg_unit) = Util::formatByteDown( ($this->_showtable['Data_length'] + $this->_showtable['Index_length']) / $this->_showtable['Rows'], 6, 1 ); } else { $avg_size = $avg_unit = ''; } return Template::get('table/structure/display_table_stats')->render( array( 'showtable' => $this->_showtable, 'table_info_num_rows' => $this->_table_info_num_rows, 'tbl_is_view' => $this->_tbl_is_view, 'db_is_system_schema' => $this->_db_is_system_schema, 'tbl_storage_engine' => $this->_tbl_storage_engine, 'url_query' => $this->_url_query, 'tbl_collation' => $this->_tbl_collation, 'is_innodb' => $is_innodb, 'mergetable' => $mergetable, 'avg_size' => isset($avg_size) ? $avg_size : null, 'avg_unit' => isset($avg_unit) ? $avg_unit : null, 'data_size' => $data_size, 'data_unit' => $data_unit, 'index_size' => isset($index_size) ? $index_size : null, 'index_unit' => isset($index_unit) ? $index_unit : null, 'free_size' => isset($free_size) ? $free_size : null, 'free_unit' => isset($free_unit) ? $free_unit : null, 'effect_size' => $effect_size, 'effect_unit' => $effect_unit, 'tot_size' => $tot_size, 'tot_unit' => $tot_unit, 'table' => $GLOBALS['table'] ) ); } /** * Gets table primary key * * @return string */ protected function getKeyForTablePrimary() { $this->dbi->selectDb($this->db); $result = $this->dbi->query( 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . Util::backquote($this->table) . ';' ); $primary = ''; while ($row = $this->dbi->fetchAssoc($result)) { // Backups the list of primary keys if ($row['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $primary .= $row['Column_name'] . ', '; } } // end while $this->dbi->freeResult($result); return $primary; } /** * Get List of information for Submit Mult * * @param string $submit_mult mult_submit type * @param array $selected the selected columns * @param string $action action type * * @return array */ protected function getDataForSubmitMult($submit_mult, $selected, $action) { $centralColumns = new CentralColumns($GLOBALS['dbi']); $what = null; $query_type = null; $is_unset_submit_mult = false; $mult_btn = null; $centralColsError = null; switch ($submit_mult) { case 'drop': $what = 'drop_fld'; break; case 'primary': // Gets table primary key $primary = $this->getKeyForTablePrimary(); if (empty($primary)) { // no primary key, so we can safely create new $is_unset_submit_mult = true; $query_type = 'primary_fld'; $mult_btn = __('Yes'); } else { // primary key exists, so lets as user $what = 'primary_fld'; } break; case 'index': $is_unset_submit_mult = true; $query_type = 'index_fld'; $mult_btn = __('Yes'); break; case 'unique': $is_unset_submit_mult = true; $query_type = 'unique_fld'; $mult_btn = __('Yes'); break; case 'spatial': $is_unset_submit_mult = true; $query_type = 'spatial_fld'; $mult_btn = __('Yes'); break; case 'ftext': $is_unset_submit_mult = true; $query_type = 'fulltext_fld'; $mult_btn = __('Yes'); break; case 'add_to_central_columns': $centralColsError = $centralColumns->syncUniqueColumns( $selected, false ); break; case 'remove_from_central_columns': $centralColsError = $centralColumns->deleteColumnsFromList( $selected, false ); break; case 'change': $this->displayHtmlForColumnChange($selected, $action); // execution stops here but PhpMyAdmin\Response correctly finishes // the rendering exit; case 'browse': // this should already be handled by tbl_structure.php } return array( $what, $query_type, $is_unset_submit_mult, $mult_btn, $centralColsError ); } }